Questica Budget
作者 Questica
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budgeting, performance, transparency, and engagement solution for government and public sector
Questica is the recognized leader in budget preparation software. Hundreds of local governments, education and healthcare institutions in 46 states and 11 provinces and territories have eliminated spreadsheets, opting for smarter planning, budgeting, management, transparency and sharing with our software solutions. We seamlessly integrate with your existing Financial, Human Resources and other systems. Questica Budget is a fully featured, multi-user web-based operating, capital and salary budgeting and performance measurement tool. Questica OpenBook is a transparency and data visualization tool enabling organizations to share and communicate their financials and other data, when and where they need to. Questica Budget Book powered by CaseWare is a user-friendly tool that allows customers to create, collaborate and publish their annual Budget Books with ease.
来自 Questica 的其他应用
Questica Budget for HealthcareQuesticaAzure-based Budgeting Solution for Healthcare
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Questica Budget for Higher EducationQuesticaAzure-based Budgeting Solution for Higher Education
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Questica Budget for Primary & Secondary Edu / K-12Questicabudgeting, performance, transparency, and engagement solution for Primary & Secondary Edu / K-12
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Questica Budget for Local GovernmentQuesticaAzure-based Budgeting Solution for Local Governments
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