Willis Towers Watson Unify
作者 Towers Watson Software Limited
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Enterprise-wide risk and actuarial systems integration platform
Unify will enable your company to fundamentally change your
financial modelling and reporting process by implementing a
comprehensive integration, automated process management
and governance solution. This will allow your staff to spend
less time on routine production tasks and more time using
the results to deliver value-added insight and competitive
advantage to business stakeholders
Unify is an enterprise risk and actuarial systems integration
platform that:
- Enables integration with Willis Towers Watson software
solutions and other third-party software
- Provides automation of flexible, user-defined workflows
to run these integrated solutions
- Supports governance, including security, process review
and approval, version control and process audit trails
Your company can use these capabilities for rapid,
efficient and consistent execution of sophisticated
financial modelling and reporting processes to undertake
more frequent reporting in shorter timescales, subject to
mandatory governance and at significantly reduced cost
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