Self Serv BI: 2-Wk Assessment

Hitachi Solutions

Sign up for a two-week engagement with analytics and data experts who will give you step-by-step, personalized guidance, on how Power BI Self-Service Reporting can transform your unique business.

Let us show you how advanced reporting can give your organization the data visibility, analytics, and tactical intelligence you need to take your business into the future.


Week 1

  • Workshop/discovery sessions with the client
  • Meet with power users to determine their experience and need for self-service BI
  • Document the current data landscape; including structured and non-structured sources
  • Work with power users to understand the supplementary data

Week 2

  • Provide recommendations on how to structure the supplementary data
  • Create reporting templates with the current governed datasets
  • Determine training required to get the most out of self-service
  • Create a roadmap for transitioning to an "ideal state" environment
  • Provide communication strategies and procedures for operationalizing self-service models
