Dynamics 365 Reporting in Power BI - 4 Week Implementation


Purpose: Assess the current Dynamics 365 environment, identify the best roadmap to migrate your Dynamics 365 data to extract meaningful insights, and build a Proof of Concept within your environment

Activities to be Completed:

  1. Assess the Current State 1a Conduct interviews to understand the current state environment and desires for the future state, inclusive of current architecture and data flows, current pain points, and prioritization of future state product

  2. Create Migration Roadmap 2a. Future consumption estimates taking into consideration current costs to estimate Azure consumption costs with the additional Azure services​ 2b. Architecture, plan, and timeline to support the future business objectives​ 2c. Design data platform workloads and architecture for Dynamics 365 migration

  3. Build POC Azure Landing Zone 3a. Protiviti will build out a POC of the Azure Landing Zone in the client's Azure environment for the Dynamics 365 reporting migration​ 3b. While building out the Landing Zone, Protiviti will assess cloud platform settings and configurations to provide recommendations on how to maximize IT budget allocations (ex. storage and speed)​


  1. An Executive Summary detailing workshop findings, observations and initial architectural design recommendations​
  2. Roadmap of next steps, including scaled architecture and cost estimates, for complete migration of Dynamics 365 into Power BI​
  3. POC Azure Landing Zone that demonstrates the ability to migrate Dynamics 365 data through the client's Azure environment into a Power BI report​
