Turnover Bonuses

作者 APPower

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Automated calculation, posting and settlement of bonus provisions for sales and purchase

Save time by simplifying and speeding up your financial processes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central!

Manual processing of bonus provisions on turnover and settlement during the bonus contract is time-consuming and prone to mistakes. When you have a lot of sales/purchase transactions and various bonus agreements with customers and vendors, manually handling bonuses on an ongoing basis becomes very burdensome.

With APPower Turnover Bonuses, you increase the productivity of your finance and sales department by minimizing manual work and automating the process of posting cost and revenue provisions, as well as settling the bonuses at the end of each period during the bonus contract. This allows you to track gross margin in real time including anticipated costs related to discounts given on customer turnover, as well as anticipated revenues for turnover discounts on purchases.

Key features and benefits

  • Bonuses for sales and purchase transactions
  • Multiple product groups for different bonus thresholds
  • Handling of Items, Item Categories, Item Charges, Resources, G/L Accounts
  • Excluding selected invoices from the bonus basis
  • Multicurrency on the bonus contract: Bonus Currency (BCY), Foreign/Transaction Currency (FCY), Local Currency (LCY)
  • Threshold type - Progressive or Max
  • Automation of credit memos settling bonuses
  • Two methods of settlement - reversal of provisions at settlement or without reversal
  • Handling of additional dimensions for provisions posting
  • Multiple settlement periods within a single bonus contract

Supported Editions

This app supports the Essential and Premium edition of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries

All countries where Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is available.

Supported Languages

English (United States), Polish (Poland)
