作者 GMI group
Extends the Continia Document Capture functionality to improve recognition, registration and posting
The GMI Document Capture eXtension adds additional features to the Continia Document Capture application
- Enhanced recognition through the use of regular expressions
- Multi-line recognition for complex invoice layouts
- Processing of multiple amounts per line on complex invoices (for instance Leasing Invoices with amounts for capital, interest, maintenance and fuel consumption)
- Registration of purchase lines with different VAT Business Posting Groups
- Advanced distribution codes for cost allocation to the correct accounts
- Posting of invoices before approval to have VAT and P&L reporting in the correct period without the need for accrual of costs
- Flexible setup of the approval process, including cost centre based selection of approval flows and dynamically built flows based on invoice amounts
- Purchase order approval within the Continia approval flow, including Web Portal approval
Supported Editions:
The app supports the latest Continia Document Capture application
Supported Countries: Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Switzerland, & United Kingdom
Supported Languages: English (US), Dutch (BE) and French (BE)