VAT Withholding by İnfotek
作者 Infotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S.
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Enables users prepare and process documents where VAT withholding rules apply.
In Turkey, there is the regulation suggesting a withholding rate to be applied to VAT for some sectors, goods and services.
Our app, VAT Withholding by İnfotek, provides a solution to apply VAT withholding in invoices, credit memos and G/L Journals.
Supported Editions: Essentials and Premium
Supported Countries: Turkey
Supported Languages: English (US) and Turkish (Turkey).
Türkiye'de belli sektörlerde mal ve hizmetlerin alınması ve satılması sırasında KDV tevkifatı uygulaması düzenlemesi bulunmaktadır.
Türkiye'de belli sektörlerde mal ve hizmetlerin alınması ve satılması sırasında KDV tevkifatı uygulaması düzenlemesi bulunmaktadır.
Uygulamamız, VAT Withholding by İnfotek , (KDV Tevkifatı) faturalarda, iade faturalarında ve muhasebe fişlerinde KDV tevkifatı uygulanmasını mümkün kılmaktadır.
Desteklenen Sürümler: Essentials ve Premium
Desteklenen Ülkeler: Türkiye
Desteklenen Diller: English (US) and Türkçe (Türkiye).
來自 Infotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S. 的其他應用程式
Configure Posting Descr. and Acc. Name by İnfotekInfotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S.Configure posting description on general journal and documents
Applicable to:
Business Central
NaN out of 5
Customer Vendor Consolidation by İnfotekInfotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S.Enables users to see consolidated balances and ledger entries of a party is both customer and vendor
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Business Central
NaN out of 5
Incoming E-Invoice by İnfotekInfotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S.Enables users to receive electronic invoices in accordance with the Turkish legal requirements
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Business Central
NaN out of 5
Quote Order Currency by İnfotekInfotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S.Enables companies make/receive quotes/orders with currency prices and invoices in LCY
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Business Central
NaN out of 5
Posted Document Deletion Management by İnfotekInfotek Yazilim ve Donanim A.S.Enables a control duration for posted document deletion based on Posting Date.
Applicable to:
Business Central
NaN out of 5