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Extra bundled functionalities for Belgium based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

NORRIQ BCA BE is an add-on based on our many years of experience with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for numerous accounting departments in various sectors for Belgium localization, which is also a dependency with the W1 functionalities of NORRIQ BCA Suite

Faster, user-friendly and optimized
NORRIQ BCA contains extra bundled functionalities which are common in a lot of industries to make standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central more straightforward and user-friendly

Extra bundled functionalities are :

  • incorporate our expert knowledge, gained through experience, into the ERP system.
  • Improve standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality with solutions for common business problems.
  • Improve user-friendliness
  • Free the end-user from time consuming repetitive tasks
A few examples of functionalities:
  • Structured Message: When the Structured Message setup is filled in, a structured reference is printed on the posted sales invoice supporting the Belgium format.
  • Journal Template Selection in documents: If this parameter is activated, the user gets a selection screen with all journals when he creates a new order or invoice. This avoids that an invoice is posted in the wrong journal.
  • Electronic banking improvements: Extra checks were added to the payment file generation procedure, in order to avoid rejection of the xml file by Isabel. More specifically, additional controls have been put in place to check if the bank account name of the vendor bank account as well as the company bank account is filled in the payment journal batch.
Supported Editions:

All Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Editions

Supported Countries:


Supported Languages:

English, French, Dutch
