Flow Path for DC

作者 Simova GmbH

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Create process-related questions, information or tasks directly on documents registered by DC.

Connect Flow Path and Document Capture by Continia with the standard interface Flow Path for DC. Create and manage process-related information, questions and tasks directly in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Flow Path for DC is a standard interface for the connection of Document Capture and Flow Path to never lose track of questions, tasks and information.

With our Flow Path for DC Connector App the user can create Flow Path entries directly on receipts registered and processed by Document Capture by Continia and accelerate business processes.

Supported Editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States

Supported Languages:

German (Germany), English (United Kingdom)
