Finance Extension

作者 VanRoey

Customize the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Finance Module with Finance Extension


The Finance Module of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a great tool for follow up of financial performance and cash flow management. For accountants, it proves to be of great value. However, getting the right figures, needed for tax declarations, financial analysis or due diligence, can be a tedious task.

Benefits’s Finance Extension to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central makes it possible to customize the Finance Module for your specific needs, making it more user-friendly and efficient in use. Some of the main features are • Adjustable dimensions, even after the ledgers have been filed; • Automatic generation of structured payment references for customers and automation of payments with structured references to suppliers; • CODA optimization; • An orderly payments diary with rebate expiry dates, CRM references, error reports, notifications for open transactions, etc.; • Automated checks of CRM and payment data; • Automated payments related communication; • Functionalities for tax declarations of multiple legal entities;


The Finance Extension simply provides your accountant a more efficient way to extract the exact figures he needs from your business financials. It will for sure save accountant man-hours.

Supported Editions

This app supports the Essentials and Premium Editions of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Supported Countries

Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Poland

Supported Languages

