DS365 Excise Duty App
作者 Dynamics Stream
Streamline Your Excise Duty Estimates and Stay Compliant
As a business owner, you're probably well-versed in the many taxes and rules that might apply at the local, state, and federal levels. Managing a business requires paying state income taxes, sales taxes, employment taxes, and self-employment taxes. Sales tax and Excise duty are two types of taxes that are sometimes mistaken.
What Exactly Is Excise Duty?
Excise duty, sometimes known as excise tax, is a tax levied at the point of purchase on certain commodities, products, activities, or services. Although companies are responsible for collecting excise taxes and remitting them to the appropriate authorities, the expense of the tax is often passed on to the customer in the form of higher pricing.
The DS365 Excise Duty feature makes it easy to manage all types of duties in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, such as excise duty, tariffs, and consumer taxes. This Dynamics Stream Customized solution empowers you by automatically computing duties when you exchange goods and submitting them accurately to the authorities. This is the alternative for companies who sell taxable items but do not want to deal with the painstaking process of calculating and managing taxes.
Benefits of DS365 Excise Duty App
Features of DS365 Excise Duty App
Dynamics Stream Software Solution is a top provider of Business Central applications on Microsoft AppSource. Dynamics Stream - Microsoft Gold Partner applications are in the top 100 most popular apps. We were among the first on AppSource. With our App Bundle, you may even save a lot of money.
Supported Editions
Supported Countries
United Arab Emirates, Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar and the United States.
Supported Languages
United Arab Emirates, Australia, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Qatar and the United States.