Auto Number
作者 Dotsquares
Generate Unique Random Numbers, Date or Time in any field of any entity.
This auto number plug-in, let the user manage their Account IDs or Invoice numbers very easily. The Dynamic CRM Add-on is helpful in making your CRM more user friendly. This auto number solution will generate numbers or letters randomly, but all are unique so that the trouble of entering the lead Ids, account number or any employee Ids, etc. is now gone.
Download the Auto Number, CRM solution from our website and integrate it in your CRM for generating the auto numbers. This solution will help you in managing your time and work effectively by reducing the bulk of data entry for employee id, account id, etc.
Naviage to solution
Once you create your profile, then Auto number solution can be accessed from the Extension column (as appearing in the below screenshot).
Active Auto number
On clicking the Auto number icon, a page will appear as shown in the image below. There are multiple features like Create a new auto number, excel templates, export to excel, import data, etc.
The auto number solution will help in accessing the following features:
- Create a New auto number
- Delete
- Email a Link
- Export to excel
- Import data
- Chart Pane
- View
- Search