Spreadsheet AI

作者 SAS Matrix Lead

(6 評分)

AI chat copilot in Excel who understands your workbook and assists with countless spreadsheet tasks.

"Spreadsheet AI" aims to be an AI-assisted software solution suite for a wide range of spreadsheet tasks. Currently, it mainly offers a chat copilot integrated into Excel that can discuss any questions you may have.

The chat copilot can learn the contents of your workbook for a more collaborative experience:

  • You can share your workbook's contents with the chat copilot. This enables both you and the chat copilot to refer directly to ranges or cells in your worksheet, such as "A1:D10" or "B2", during your conversations.

Over 20 example tasks to make the most of AI:

  • This versatile AI chat copilot allows you to accomplish countless spreadsheet tasks. To help you get started and make the most of its capabilities, we offer over 20 example tasks that the chat copilot can perform, such as data enrichment, data analysis, formula creation, and verification, among others.

Pricing for virtual IQ Points required to interact with the chat copilot:

  • Welcome bonus IQ: every user will be automatically granted free welcome bonus IQ points to get started.
  • Purchase IQ: users can buy packs of 150 IQ, 300 IQ, or 500 IQ for continued use.

Excel version requirement:

  • The add-in is built with Excel JavaScript API 1.2 and web libraries that have certain requirements on the version of Excel and operating system; some functionalities can be disabled if the embedded browser of your Excel is Internet Explorer; in this case, you can always use the add-in in Excel Online in a non-IE browser.

More details can be found in Give the add-in a try, and enjoy the ChatGPT in Excel!


  • 可以讀取及變更您的文件
  • 可以在網際網路上傳送資料
