作者 ImagineTime
Securely request and share files without having to leave your inbox using LexShare.
LexShare for Microsoft Outlook allows you to securely request and share files over email without worrying about hackers or lost passwords. All files sent with LexShare are uploaded to your client portal automatically and are protected by bank-level security. You control who has access to your files, how their identity is authenticated, and have the ability to set an expiration policy.
With LexShare, you will be notified when someone uploads, downloads, or accesses a file. You can control permission levels on a user-by-user basis to make sure the right people have access to the right files.
You can sign up for a demo at https://mangopractice.com/request-a-product-demo/
For more information on features and how to use LexShare for Microsoft Outlook, please visit https://intercom.help/imagineshare/en/.
Usage of the LexShare plugin requires an active subscription of LexShare which starts at $25.00 per user per month.
- 可以在網際網路上傳送資料
- 此應用程式可以存取及修改使用中訊息內的個人資訊,例如內文、主旨、寄件者、收件者及附件資訊等等。其可能會將此資料傳送給第三方服務。對於您信箱中的其他項目則無法讀取或修改。