ZeroTime for Outlook Email

作者 Replicon Inc

Replicon's ZeroTime™ platform for Microsoft Outlook Emails

Integrate your Microsoft 365 Outlook email seamlessly with Replicon's ZeroTime™ platform to streamline your daily activities. This application uses Replicon's ZeroTime capabilities to automatically capture your time spent on emails accessed through Outlook and combines this with other valuable information such as subject, sender's email address, etc to create an accurate and enriched timeline of your day. Leveraging our machine learning and AI capabilities, the ZeroTime platform recommends timesheet labels for your Outlook email activity such as a "Project" or a "Task" like Magic!. This can be used for automatically populating your timesheets, with minimal to no supervision. We use global standards of encryption and storage practices to keep all your data safe and secure. At Replicon, we believe that privacy is a fundamental right and we build all our applications with user privacy and data protection at the core. You are always in full control of your data. Our goal is to build a prepopulated timesheet of your day so that you can focus on things that matter and allow Replicon to take care of your timesheets!


- Automatically know how much time you spent on an email, while reading, composing or responding.

- Capture your engagement details such as "Time Spent" and Timesheet comments directly from Outlook email to your timesheets automatically.

- ML and AI capabilities to help build your timeline effortlessly.

- Seamless integration into Replicon's timesheet and view your pre-populated timesheet.

Did you know? This Application is free with your Replicon product license. For further details, please contact Replicon Support.


  • 可以在網際網路上傳送資料
  • 此應用程式可以存取及修改使用中訊息內的個人資訊,例如內文、主旨、寄件者、收件者及附件資訊等等。其可能會將此資料傳送給第三方服務。對於您信箱中的其他項目則無法讀取或修改。
