inSign for Word

作者 BSI Business Systems Integration AG

(1 評分)

inSign - legally binding electronic signatures for PDF documents

In many business scenarios, documents are generated that have to be signed. However, the digital process chain usually ends at the signature:

Insurance applications, SEPA mandates, data protection declarations, account contracts, receipts, etc. are printed out, signed on paper and sent by post or fax - perhaps even scanned again immediately and sent by e-mail.

With inSign it is no longer necessary to print out documents to sign them. The inSign system allows a continuous paperless process, including an electronic signature.

Note: To use inSign in combination with this add-in you need a paid inSign 365 account or an inSign Enterprise license. Further information can be found at


  • 可以讀取及變更您的文件
  • 可以在網際網路上傳送資料
