HitHorizons API

作者 FinStat s.r.o.

Data on 80M+ European companies for market research and lead generation in one database and one API

Add data on 80M+ European companies to Microsoft tools via API. Get additional insights via a SaaS web app.

Our Sales & Marketing Data API enriches your Microsoft ecosystem with data from various sources to provide a more complete and complex picture of the market, individual companies, and their evolution over time. HitHorizons Invoicing Data API simplifies your accounting workflows by adding relevant data to your tools. HitHorizons Screener, accessible as part of our API service, is a lead generation and market research tool that allows users to filter through the whole HitHorizons database and download lists of businesses in CSV for further processing in any software.

HitHorizons Sales & Marketing Data API integrates the whole HitHorizons database to any software and makes data available in real time. No need to deal with dozens of local APIs.
  • Find businesses without knowing their national ID. Start typing a company name and pick the one you need using our autocomplete search and predictive suggestions.

  • Create accounts in seconds. Autofill will add company details (address, industry, etc.) into individual account fields.

  • Automatic updates of company data check and correct data which has already been entered.

  • See individual companies' market positions without leaving your MS ecosystem. Compare businesses within their industries and countries, and identify top players.

  • One-click within your MS software lets you see your customers' or partners' detailed company profiles at

  • Explore that profile or proceed to HitHorizons Screener, which will instantly identify businesses similar to the one you started with.

HitHorizons Invoicing Data API aggregates company invoicing details such as an address, VAT number, and national ID and adds this to invoicing software and ERPs.
  • Data is sourced from individual countries' registers and is currently available for Germany, the United Kingdom, Poland, Czechia, Hungary, and Slovakia.

HitHorizons Screener, part of our API service, is a lead generation and market research tool that allows users to filter through the database of 80M+ European businesses using various filtering and sorting options.
  • Find companies relevant to you and download datasets in CSV for further processing in any software.

  • Find new customers across Europe, analyse individual industries and markets, grasp the broader competitive landscape or pick companies you would like to collaborate with.

You'll get access to the following data from the whole of Europe and beyond

Company registration data: company name | national identifier and its type | registered address: street, postal code, city, state/province, country | business activity: SIC code, local activity code with the classification system | year of establishment | company type | location type

Sales and number of employees data: sales in EUR, USD and local currency (with local currency code) | total number of employees | sales and number of employees accuracy | the local number of employees (in case of multiple branches) | companies' sales and number of employees market position compared to other companies in a country/industry/region

Industry data: the size of the whole industry |size of all companies operating within a particular SIC code | benchmarking within a specific country or industry | regional benchmarking (EU 27, state/province)

Contact details: company website | company email domain (without person's name)

Invoicing details available for selected countries: company name | company address | company VAT number

Let us show you how getting the correct data from the database of 80M+ European companies can help you gain a competitive edge at
