Audit Management

作者 Pepas Cloud

Audit Management Application

Solution description:

•Application built for Audit Management by locations, headquarters;

•Built in Power Apps, free integrated in Teams;

•Can be tailored to specific needs of each customer;

•Can be built in less than one month;

•The application can be accessed from PC and mobile devices.

Application functionalities:

•Recurring scheduling of audits;

•The possibility to instantly create a certain type of ad hoc audit;

•Real-time tracking of the status per type of audit;

•Auditor allocation at location / Section/ Department level;

•Auditing the locations at the stipulated deadlines (Reminder to the Auditor before the audit deadline);

•Adding corrective actions (from a predefined list depending on the type of audit and question);

•Adding pictures from the audited locations;

•Assigning a responsible for the audited area (email transmission with the result of the audit immediately after its closure);

•Processing the information collected by the auditor and displaying the results in Power BI;

•The possibility for those interested to view these graphs in real time (reports are updated 8 times a day or faster depending on the licenses held).
