
Automatically generate management reports based on your accounting software

Smartbooks is a platform with financial intelligence that allows you to build reports and planning as you would in Excel. Only in Smartbooks it is easier, faster, better and without errors. In addition, everything is available via the browser and everything is in a secure cloud.

Smartbooks is intended for Controllers and CFOs as a replacement for reporting in Excel or founders/owners who do not yet have financial management reporting and planning.

The financial data from your system is refreshed daily (or as often as you like) and forms the basis of your income statement and balance in Smartbooks. Smartbooks provides you with the standard KPIs that most companies want, but you can add your own KPIs just like in Excel. Smartbooks then adds financial intelligence and automatically calculates cash flow.

The functionality of Smartbooks is based on the experience of thousands of CFOs and Controllers who, just like you, want to save time in the monthly reporting and periodic planning processes.

Smartbooks gives you a.o.:

  • Management reporting and dashboards
  • Planning
  • Flexibility (almost equal to Excel)
  • Consolidation with intercompany elimination
  • Option to put comments on the figures

إمكانات التطبيق

عندما يتم استخدام هذا التطبيق، فإنه
  • يمكنها قراءة مستندك وإجراء تغييرات عليه
  • يمكنها إرسال البيانات عبر الإنترنت

لمحة سريعة