Heimdal™ Next-Gen Anti-Virus, Firewall & MDM

بواسطة Heimdal Security

Heimdal™ NGAV, Firewall & MDM - Secure Your Company Endpoints with Impeccable Threat Detection

Heimdal™ Next-Gen Anti-Virus, Firewall & MDM

These unique risk detection and mitigation functionalities come in a unique UTP (Unified Threat Platform) that will take your EDR management to the next level.

Multiple Layers of Detection

Not even the most complex cyberattacks can circumvent the Heimdal NGAV’s impeccable detection powered by multiple revolutionary layers of protection that are enhanced with unique threat intel.

Advanced Threat Protection

Our Next-Gen Antivirus has unparalleled safeguards against advanced threats, and it is especially designed to protect your enterprise’s digital infrastructure against data leaks.

Remote Device Control with MDM

With our NGAV, you can remotely track and manage Android devices, with easily accessible locate, lock and wipe capabilities that are available in the inbuilt mobile device management console.

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