Price f(x) Formula-Connector

от Price f(x)

(1 оценки)

Connect the online calculation capabilities of your Price f(x) account with Excel

With this Add-in you can easily and without programming connect any Price f(x) formula with any Excel sheet.

Your benefits are:

  • Easily build visually appealing dashboard reports with data from your pricing solution

  • Offload all the heavy-lifting number crunching to the Price f(x) backend

  • Prevent data leakage as you can remove potentially sensitive data required for your calculations from your Excel sheets (as the calculation is offloaded)

In order to make use of this functionality you need an account with Price f(x). You can apply for a free trial here:

Възможности на приложението

Когато това приложение се използва, то
  • Може да чете или извършва промени във вашите документи
  • Може да изпраща данни през интернет

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