
от Growthspace

GrowthSpace is a talent development platform that enables the personalized learning and development.

Growthspace is a learning and development skills mastery platform. It is designed to launch, manage, and measure 1:1 coaching and mentoring, team coaching, workshops, and internal mentoring to drive business KPIs through human-to-human development programs.

Growthspace provides superior flexibility to allocate budget between the different services, customize the programs, measurement, and taxonomy, unmatched accuracy of matching the right expert to each individual or group, and efficiency of a unique sprint model that guarantees over 95% completion rates and demonstrable results. Leveraging the world's most robust talent development dataset and our network of over 2,000 global experts, covering over 80 skill sets and 50+ languages.

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Възможности на приложението

Когато това приложение се използва, то
  • Може да изпраща данни през интернет
  • Това приложение може да осъществява достъп до лични данни в активното съобщение, като например телефонни номера, пощенски адреси или URL адреси. Приложението може да изпрати тези данни на услуга на друг разработчик. Не могат да бъдат четени или променяни други елементи в пощенската ви кутия.

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