Short Sales Share Price Trend


Daily ASX Short Sales transactions and share close price trend analysis to determine price impact.

Short Sales Share Price Trend applies trend analysis to asx daily reported Gross Short Sales transactions and share close price to assess the impact of short sales transactions on individual share prices.

Short % is daily reported Gross Short Sales transactions (number of share short sales) as a percentage of issued capital (number of issued shares). This is not the level of open short positions but it does provide an indication of short sales activity.

The short sales trend has a relationship to market sentiment, share value and price trend. Short sales increase when a share price is perceived to be higher than its price will be sometime in the future ie price high / shorts up. Short sales decrease when a share price is perceived to be approaching its lower future price, ie price low / short sales down. High levels of short sales transactions increase share sell volume resulting in downward price pressure and when these transactions are covered they increase share buy volume resulting in upward price pressure. The result is increased price liquidity and volatility. To determine current and future share value and price trend high and low triggers see share value price trend.

While gross shorts provide no indication of the open shorts for the day they do provide an indication of short interest. Reviewing aggregate and gross short data there is a loose correlation (possibly looser than it should be due to lack of reporting transparency and compliance). Gross short transactions activity can sometimes be inferred from short term price action however what is of value is that the level of gross short activity can provide a leading indicator of sentiment and perceived risk (not always visible in price action) which assists in determining critical price points and improving entry / exit points.

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