
от, s.r.o.

ScioLink is a web based online tool which allows organizations to conduct tests and exams

Today, ScioLink annually processes tens of thousands of secure online exams in university admissions every year. We draw on our 25 years of experience in organizing pen-and-paper exams with an emphasis on security and transparency.

With ScioLink, clients can prepare and administer tests and exams and use the online proctoring module. Our testing platform provides its users with a wide range of options:.

  • Interactivity: incorporate audio and video content into your exams

  • Variability: choose between different types of questions

  • Integrity: prohibit the use of keyboard shortcuts and searches

  • Multi-platform environment: supported on personal computers with Windows 10+ or MacOS 10.12+.

Remote supervision, or proctoring, is key to orchestrating secure online exams. ScioLink, it combines state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies and subsequent two-step human inspection of suspicious situations. Among other things, Sciolink offers:

  • Identification: Identification of the examinee through their ID.

  • Recording: Recording of video and audio records as well as of the computer’s desktop and running processes.

  • Non-compliant behavior: AI and machine learning technologies to identify undesirable behavior.

  • Human evaluators: Flagged recordings are checked by a trained human evaluator.

  • Archiving: Recordings from each exam are always stored for at least one month in case they need to be reevaluated.

Data protection will always be our primary goal. We consistently comply with all rules under GDPR and go even further. All data is stored securely within Microsoft Azure technology. We have clearly set internal rules that govern how people access participants' data and personal information. We make sure that we only collect and evaluate data that we actually need.

Our solution represents a unique off-line mode. Thanks to it, we are able to guarantee that when a student loses internet connection, the test can continue. You won't be surprised by large-scale internet connectivity outages on the bidders' side.

ScioLink is a system that is capable of serving all needs of various institutions. Our aim is to provide a universal system that can be used for any type of exam. We want to change how professional exams and certifications, language exams and exams that are part of HR processes are taken.


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