Store Location Catchment Analysis
от XnFinity
Just a moment, logging you in...
Get unique insights about your stores (without retailer data); customers and competitors
Get unique insights about your stores (without retailer data); customers behaviour and unique competitors analysis and predictions (AI).
•Have new insights into locations,
stores, etc..
•XNFY team can extract those
insights very quickly
•No required internal company data
•Interesting insights visualization
(some using maps) and the potential to know more about:
I. Customers profile and behaviourII. Best Locations – ex. for marketingIII. Cross-venuesIV. Competitors analysisV. Prediction using AI recurrent predictions models
The XNFY Lab team will:
1. Select and scouting the best data
sources and providers (always with anonymous
data and GPDR compliance)
2. Datasets
analysis, validations, cleaning, and categorizing (if required)
3. Extract data insights like:
• Demographics (when possible)• Site Statistics (when possible)• Origin• Traffic Trends• Cross-Venue Analysis (when possible)
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