Report To PDF
Autor: MTC
Convert Reports to PDF & Excel besides enabling its attachments to Email & Notes
Report to PDF is a simple yet effective Microsoft CRM Add-on specifically designed by MTC to allow easy conversion of CRM reports to more user-friendly file formats such as PDF and Excel as well enable attachments of these reports to Notes and Email. Thus, Report to PDF makes it easy and comfortable for CRM users to generate reports in their choicest formats and transport them to various destinations.
At present, Report to PDF is available for entities such as Accounts, Lead, Contact, Contract, Invoice, Quote, Order and Service Activity inside CRM. Report to PDF could become a potential tool for CRM users who would like to display Accounts Overview, Accounts Summary and Products by Account reports at-a-glance to either their peers, managers, partners or customers. They could effortlessly select either Attach to Email, Attach to Notes, Save as Excel or Open PDF to process the CRM reports.
- Report to PDF allows conversion of reports to favorable formats like PDF and Excel.
- Reports generated could be attached to either Notes or Email.
- Presently available for Accounts, Contact, Contract, Lead, Quote, Invoice, Order and Service Activity.
MTC is a leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 / CRM global engineering services firm. MTC offers a “right-fit solution” model leveraging its over 50 packaged Dynamics 365 / CRM products, all customizable for you to fit unique needs, with deep CRM and CRM Portal design, development, and life cycle engineering and support for an affordable solution-gap 1-stop resource globally to end-users and Microsoft professionals of all sizes.
Don’t Forget to Register Your Add-on from Within Your Dynamics 365 / CRM SettingsYou will receive an email with helpful instruction links after download, a 2nd email confirming “License Activation” is also sent upon product license activation.