
Autor: PowerObjects An HCL Company

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Quickly insert random numbers, letters, dates or times in any field on any entity in your CRM.

Easily insert random numbers, letters, dates or times in any field of any entity in CRM automatically with PowerAutoNumber! Use a combination of numbers, letters, and dates in your fields, and have the ability to number more than one field in each entity. Random numbers are also guaranteed to be unique.


  • Update existing records in CRM.
  • Insert multiple auto numbers per entity (Account, Case, Product, etc.)
  • Random numbers are guaranteed to be unique.
  • Automatically number a field upon save of a record.
  • Concatenate two fields into one field automatically
  • Generate unique numbers from the PowerObjects' cloud, Azure or point the solution to your own custom cloud solution

Don't Forget To Register Your Add-On!

Once the PowerPack add-on is imported into your CRM, make sure to register it! For instructions on how to register your PowerPack Add-on, check out the FAQ in the Learn More section below.

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