
Autor: Lindybeat Technologies

(6 hodnocení)

Use RemindMyself to never forget! This bot and messaging extension makes reminding convenient!

Ever find yourself wanting to remind yourself about a message, or just a simple to-do with no fuss? Well, **RemindMyself** is a bot and messaging extension that lets you remind yourself of posts at a future time. It helps your remember and follow up on short tasks, you just type your command _in plain English_! No need to load up your task or calendar app - everything is doable inside Teams!

You can tell **RemindMyself** to set reminders. To set a reminder, just give **RemindMyself** a time and an optional message. For example:

* "4pm" -> This will set a reminder for 4pm

* "in 3 minutes call my boss" -> Reminder in 3 minutes

* "do my taxes tomorrow evening" -> Reminder tomorrow evening

* "April 1, send out the joke email" -> Reminder on April 1

* "Thursday night do my performance review" -> Perf review Thursday night :)

When the reminder fires, you will get a message from the bot. You can read it, jump to the linked message, or snooze it!

Some features:

* You can type your command in the command box at the top of Teams

* You can converse with the bot directly to manage reminders

* You can @mention the bot in a channel (be a little passive aggressive :) ).

* You can set a "Quick Reminder" from a message context menu!

All reminders fire for you privately. **RemindMyself** will not send any messages to any channels or anyone else. Although here's a special bonus:

* if you @mention a person in a message to this bot, they will also get the reminder (this only works in channels or group chats)

This way you can remind both yourself and a colleague of important tasks.

Use **RemindMyself** to manage your personal and professional life, all from Teams itself!

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace má přístup k osobním informacím v aktivní zprávě, jako jsou telefonní čísla, poštovní adresy nebo adresy URL. Aplikace může tato data posílat službě třetí strany. Ostatní položky ve vaší poštovní schránce se nedají přečíst ani upravit.

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