
Autor: 22 Miles, Inc.

Connect with 22Miles for space reservations, alerts, KPI dashboards, and more.

Integrate 22Miles functionality into Microsoft Teams for enhanced workplace communication and management. Features include emergency alerts, quick posts, room booking, desk reservations, floorplans, and content sharing via the 22Miles Bot in desktop and mobile Microsoft Teams apps.

22Miles creates a centralized hub for workplace activities, such as news announcements, space reservations, and room finders. Administrators can efficiently manage resources within Microsoft Teams, ensuring seamless coordination and immediate notifications for employees.

22Miles lets you:

● Post and view company announcements

● Broadcast emergency alerts or relevant news

● Easily post content to the 22Miles App or Teams Channels or Chats

● Make and manage room and desk reservations

● Explore maps and floorplans

How It Works

● Create a 22Miles account; you can contact us to try it for free, click here .

● Install the 22Miles Employee App within Microsoft Teams

● Link Microsoft Teams with your 22Miles account and your chosen channel(s)

● Pin the 22Miles App to your Teams Tab for quick access

To see a demo, and for more information on subscription options and pricing, contact a 22Miles representative. Contact us .

Možnosti aplikace

Když použijete tuto aplikaci
  • Posílat data přes internet
  • Tato aplikace má přístup k osobním informacím v aktivní zprávě, jako jsou telefonní čísla, poštovní adresy nebo adresy URL. Aplikace může tato data posílat službě třetí strany. Ostatní položky ve vaší poštovní schránce se nedají přečíst ani upravit.

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