Custom tree view with bar chart

Autor: Office Solution

(6 hodnocení)
Stáhnout vzorekPokyny

Chart with the combination of Bar and Tree map in which width and height of column can be managed

Chart with the combination of Bar and Tree map in which width and height of column can be managed through separate variable. Key features: • Users can flip X and Y axis - User Can Rotate the chart (vertical to horizontal) • Users can Zoom into a certain section in a chart • Ability to add growth trends and connectors on command • Flag on command differences between two data points in the graph, user should be able to select 2 points in a chart and then on tool tip or right click user should be able to see simple status like sum, avg, diff of those points • User should be able to change and select custom ranges shown on the Y axis of the charts • Ability to add reference lines on command • Each bar would be tree map chart and height and width of chart can be decided using variable To know about the pricing and usage details please click on the OfficeSolution logo available in visual.

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