Agent Customer Analytics

Autor: Inference Labs Private Limited

Agent customer Analytics to analyze your customer interaction and improve the customer satisfaction

Agent Customer Analytics is a data-driven approach to customer service that harnesses the power of NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology to extract meaningful insights from your contact center interactions. With its high accuracy, you can gain a deep understanding of what drives customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and ultimately enhance the customer experience.

The app provides the below insights:

  1. Executive Summary: Provide a summary of the conversation between the agent and the customer. It provides information about the volume of calls, the length of sentences, and the quantity of words. The top keywords used by both the customer and the agent for various feelings are also extracted, along with the consumer and agent sentiment.
  2. Analysis targeting the negative sentiments across the conversations: Provides the ratio of the negative keywords that were used by both the customer and the agent after extracting the negative sentiments. It also sheds light on how the speaker contributed to unfavorable calls.
  3. Call wise analysis: Provide details about each call’s conversation. It provides a window into the conversation and indicates if the call was positive, negative, or neutral.
  4. Agent wise analysis: Gives information about the performance of the agent. It provides information on the number of calls an agent has answered as well as the percentage of unfavorable segments they have dealt with.
  5. Smart feature detection: Determines the percentage of specific keywords that were mentioned in relation to the product by both the consumer and the agent by analyzing their conversation.
  6. Sentiment vs feature: Gives a report on the most popular keywords used to express various emotions.
  7. Full conversation drill through: Access to the full customer conversation.

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