
Autor: CP Corporate Planning GmbH

Complete reporting solution for easy-to-read reports and dashboards according to IBCS (Web & Excel)

hi-chart is a complete reporting solution for easy-to-read reports, presentations and dashboards with a built-in notation concept conforming to IBCS in web browsers and in Excel. The design and distribution of multi-page reports and dashboards with Excel data is managed via the hi-chart web platform or directly in Excel. 

Built-in visualisation rules allow you to communicate clearly and understandably. You work in an intuitive user interface with drag & drop.  With hi-chart you can create multi-page reports with charts, tables or a combination of both, as well as text and highlighting. To do this, you simply use your data from existing Excel tables. Graphically perfect exports are possible for PDF, PowerPoint and images.

An extensive collection of templates is available for special business applications. These include, for example, visualisations for P&L, cash flow statement, balance sheet analysis, planned/actual comparisons with deviations and others. Examples can be found at

In particular, the recurring effort for monthly or quarterly reports is reduced to a minimum with hi-chart. Updates are child's play, you simply drag and drop the files with the current figures over the report again - done!

Multi-user licences for designers, commentators and consumers are also available on request in the hi-chart shop. 

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