Attach - Document Tracking and Control

inden Attach

Track and control the documents you share.

Attach is a sales engagement platform for modern sales and marketing teams to manage, track and control the documents they share. Attach's document analytics let you understand your recipients engagement by showing:

  • Who opens your documents
  • What pages they read and for how long
  • Who they share them with

Add security to your documents:

  • Add a password to your documents
  • Add an expiry date

  • Turn off access - even after you've already sent it

This add-in requires an Attach account. Don't have one? Get a free account here:


Når denne app bruges,
  • Kan sende data via internettet
  • Denne app kan få adgang til og ændre personlige oplysninger i den aktive meddelelse, f.eks. meddelelsestekst, emne, afsender, modtagere og oplysninger om vedhæftede filer. Det vil muligvis sende disse data til en tredjepartstjeneste. Andre elementer i din postkasse kan ikke læses eller ændres.
