Gfycat - Find and send GIFs

inden Gfycat

(9 bedømmelser)

Find and share high-quality GIFs to increase engagement over email

Did you know that adding a GIF to your email increases engagement rates? Gfycat makes it easy to find GIFs and add them seamlessly to your emails. You can find high-quality GIFs and memes that you can use in your business and casual emails. It's simple to respond to a question with a "yes or no" GIF or a nice email

with a "thank you" or "excited" GIF.

Check out the hottest trending GIFs, browse our reaction categories, or search our database of millions of GIFs for the perfect one. Once you’ve found it, click to add it to your email.

Note: This Add-in may contain content not appropriate for children under age 13

Questions, comments, feedback? Contact us at


Når denne app bruges,
  • Kan sende data via internettet
  • Denne apps kan læse eller ændre indholdet af alle elementer i din postkasse og oprette nye elementer. Den kan få adgang til personlige oplysninger – f.eks. meddelelsestekst, emne, afsender, modtagere eller vedhæftede filer – i alle meddelelser eller kalenderelementer. Det vil muligvis sende disse data til en tredjepartstjeneste.
