TPS Check by Data Soap

inden Liquid11

(1 bedømmelser)

Quickly and easily perform a TPS check to see whether phone numbers are registered on the TPS.

Stay compliant by checking that numbers you intend to call for marketing purposes aren’t on the TPS register. This add-in makes being TPS compliant quick and simple by automatically detecting any phone number that appears in your emails and allows you to check them against the TPS with a single click.

The TPS Check performs secure screening of landline and mobile numbers against the TPS register. The register holds information of people who have opted out of receiving unsolicited sales and marketing calls.

To find out more about TPS and other data cleaning services such as Email Validation, HLR, bulk checks and API integrations visit


Når denne app bruges,
  • Kan sende data via internettet
  • Denne app kan få adgang til og ændre personlige oplysninger i den aktive meddelelse, f.eks. meddelelsestekst, emne, afsender, modtagere og oplysninger om vedhæftede filer. Det vil muligvis sende disse data til en tredjepartstjeneste. Andre elementer i din postkasse kan ikke læses eller ændres.
