HERA - Hotel Email Reservation Assistant

durch Hotel Res Bot

(1 Bewertungen)

HERA helps hotels to semi or fully automatically respond to emails by checking rates in your PMS/CRS

HERA, Your Hotel Email Reservation Assistant, scans your incoming emails and sends available offers before your reservation agents even see the email. However, HERA is not able to fully automatically respond to all Emails to your property - some must still be managed by the hotel team. This add-in helps you by automatically extracting the key request information from the incoming email. Once you confirm that the extracted info is correct, HERA checks your hotel system for valid offers, puts them in an email and sends them to the requester.

For incoming booking requests all you need to do is double check the information that HERA has read from the Email (eg. Arrival date, Departure date, number of rooms, number of guests, number of children etc.) and click send. HERA will use this data to check your hotel API (setup is required) and automatically send an email (via the HERA service) to the requester with one or more offers based on their request.

This add-in is free to download. To use this add-in your hotel needs a subscription (and some setup) with Hotel Res Bot’s HERA service. If you are interested in signing up for this service you can do so at or alternatively contact us directly


Wenn diese App verwendet wird, wird sie
  • Es kann Daten über das Internet senden.
  • Diese App kann den Inhalt von Elementen in Ihrem Postfach lesen oder ändern sowie neue Elemente erstellen. Sie kann in jeder Nachricht und in jedem Kalenderelement auf persönliche Informationen zugreifen, beispielsweise Text, Betreff, Absender, Empfänger oder Anlagen. Sie sendet diese Daten möglicherweise an einen Drittanbieterdienst.

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