
durch Pandos Intelligence Inc.

(1 Bewertungen)

A comprehensive platform for team leaders to boost engagement, collaboration, and goal alignment.

Secure your success using the right tool with Pandos App. Designed for People Managers and team leaders, Pandos offers a comprehensive solution that effectively engages individuals, synergizes teamwork, and aligns team efforts towards shared goals.

Whether you're a project leader or an educator of collaborative courses, Pandos serves as a powerful member engagement and team management tool, facilitating collaboration, communication, and assessment.

Pandos has a unique tiering strategy catering to individuals, teams, and organizations.

Pandos organization plan, which offers full access to Pandos features, is ideal for corporations and large teams and is perfect for vision alignment and growth within an organization. This plan incorporates the following key features:

- Profiles: Three types of profiles (Individuals, teams, and organization) showcase the identity, achievements, and cumulative availability, skill sets, and work style of individuals, teams, and organization.

- Organizational OKRs & Alignment: Allows for the creation, assignment, alignment throughout different layers of the organization via cascading (top-down) and laddering (bottom-up), reporting, and progress traction of OKRs, and provides a clear tree-like structure of OKRs.

- Organizational Chart: Clearly depicts the positions, relationships, and responsibilities (assigned OKRs) of each person within the organization.

- Task Management: Enables members to create tasks and subtasks, assign them to members or teams, and connect them to organizational OKRs.

- 360 Reviews: Enables team leaders to seamlessly conduct 360 degree reviews organization-wide and analyze the responses.

- Dashboard and Analytics: Provides a comprehensive overview of the workspace progress, including objectives, tasks, assessments, upcoming deadlines, and recent activities.


Wenn diese App verwendet wird, wird sie
  • Es kann Daten über das Internet senden.
  • Diese App kann auf persönliche Informationen in der aktiven Nachricht zugreifen, beispielsweise Telefonnummern, Anschriften oder URLs. Die App sendet diese Daten möglicherweise an einen Drittanbieterdienst. Andere Elemente in Ihrem Postfach können weder gelesen noch geändert werden.

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