Matrix planning - Dynamics 365 Finance business performance planning

durch Microsoft Dynamics 365

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Design powerful planning and forecasting scenarios with data editing capabilities.

The Matrix Planning visual is the default planning visual in Business performance planning and it is used for designing comprehensive planning scenarios. Once published, the interactive planning reports and dashboards enable exciting and powerful capabilities for Power BI users across the organization.

Key features:

  • Enter data for planning or forecasting scenarios in tabular format directly into the Power BI report page.
  • Update data in the Business performance planning app tables (Dataverse) with the “write-back” feature when changes are made in Power BI.
  • Plan at any level with drill down capability into rows and columns and top-down allocation capabilities.

Business performance planning visuals require a Dynamics 365 Finance license. Learn more

Visuelle Funktionen

Hinweise für die Verwendung dieses Visuals:
  • Zugriff auf externe Dienste oder Ressourcen möglich

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