Bemycar for Startups


Find out the definitive and automated technology for turning automotive leads into sales.

At Bemycar, we've developed The Automotive Brain and definitive software tailored to assist automotive startups in managing their leads efficiently, reducing commercial efforts, minimizing costs, increasing appointments at sales points, and ultimately boosting sales.

Bemycar is specifically designed for:

Automotive startups

How does Bemycar work?

Primarily, it utilizes highly advanced and intricate technology to ensure a seamless and straightforward experience for both you and your customers.

Thanks to this technology, whenever a lead expresses interest in one of your vehicles or services, we promptly engage, manage, categorize (by likelihood of purchase), and enrich it (advanced qualification), automatically extracting maximum information within 3-5 minutes.

All this data is seamlessly integrated into your CRM/DMS (or any other preferred platform) in real-time. This empowers your sales team to prioritize leads with the highest probability of purchase, aiming to achieve more sales efficiently and personalized through comprehensive knowledge about them.

We achieve this with intelligent technology that operates automatically, 24/7 (or as per your preference), providing comfort, peace of mind, and security.

Advantages for your leads:

Instant attention
Perceived quality service
Proactive engagement
Non-intrusive technology interaction
Fulfillment of their needs within 3-4 minutes

Advantages for your business:

Reduced commercial efforts
Enhanced lead management
Cost savings
Competitive differentiation
Increased sales appointments
Sales growth

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