Connect 365

durch InSpark BV

Connect 365 is a smart, integrated and above all personalized portal based on Microsoft 365.

This application is available only in Dutch.

Connect 365 provides your organization with a modern portal for optimal communication and collaboration, both internally and externally. The portal meets all contemporary requirements and standards. It has a clear and user-friendly navigation structure that matches the structure of your organization and meets any specific needs. This ensures that information can be found quickly, easily and in one central location. The portal also provides direct access to all your primary applications via single sign-on. Connect 365 uses the standard Microsoft Apps and is therefore accessible on every device and at every location.

As mentioned earlier, Connect 365 is modular and consists of several Apps. This App collection meets the needs of many of our customers. Examples are a 'Who is Who' App, and Apps for e.g. personalized news or requesting and generating teams and SharePoint sites through self-service. This makes Connect 365 much more than just an out-of-the-box intranet solution.

The key features of Connect 365 are:

- Cloud-native solution, based on the latest Microsoft technology.

- Fast onboarding through automated service deployment and availability of relevant standard scenarios and recommendations. Common scenarios are solutions for effective communication, improvement of chain cooperation and optimization of knowledge management.

- Suitable for every Microsoft 365 environment, easy to phase out without loss of information (no lock-in).

- Governance, security & compliance are ensured by design and by default.

- All Connect 365 Apps are configurable to the specific needs of your organization. An example of such a configuration option is the (custom) adjustment of a template for departmental communication or project collaboration.

- Enhanced personalization for logged-in employees, based on an employee's user profile and specific preferences. The relevance of information for an employee is increased by, for example, not only showing messages from the entire organization, but also from that employee's specific department or the (organizational) units in which he or she is interested.

- Access to information is secure and compliant from any device, at any time and at any location. This ensures that information does not fall - consciously or unconsciously - into the hands of the wrong person.

- A one-time investment, so no recurring license fees.

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