ThinkBase Inference

από Thinkbase LLC

(1 αξιολογήσεις)

The runtime for ThinkBase Knowledge Graphs, for inference and decision making.

ThinkBase Inference is a simple Microsoft Teams Bot that makes it possible for users to run ThinkBase Knowledge graphs owned by the user’s organization.

These Knowledge Graphs represent the knowledge required to perform some function, typically to make an inference or decision based on input data.

The Knowledge Graph works out what data it needs and collects this data interactively from the user using the Bot interface. A response showing the results are returned to the user, and a record is available to the tenant admin to view.

The bot can run stand-alone, but the organization's account must contain some knowledge graphs to use. The separate ThinkBase app can create or upload these Knowledge Graphs.

Read more about ThinkBase at

In order to use this app. Users must have an active “ThinkBase inference” account, please contact our support team for more details

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