Sperling Business Process Manager

από Sperling, s.r.o.

Business Process Management platform to automate workflows based on BPMN models for any organisation

Do you often solve, how is it about performing tasks, who is working on what, what is its status? You ask, “Where is the bottleneck?” And who, to whom and when did send the desired email? Or, did it arrive at all? Still have to search for a status and watch the workflow over and over again, because you are getting no information? Then it’s the right time for you to deal with the concepts of workflow and process management!

The Sperling Business Process Manager (SBPM) is a business process management platform, that serves such needs effectively and in a very user-friendly manner. It allows to design (model and create) a business process and execute it among given users and groups to participate and perform their tasks, i.e. to run a workflow.

SBPM provides a complete suite of efficient tools for process computerisation, including:

  • complex processes modelling,
  • immediately followed by process execution and workflow management,
  • participation in workflows in different roles,
  • automated input data processing and product process management in electronic forms,
  • history of processing, both running and completed workflows,
  • generating reports and overviews
  • and much more!

Available in English, Czech and any other language after simple translation of externalized content.

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