Cepheo Advanced Customer Handling

by Cepheo A/S

Optimize sales and fulfilment processes with advanced customer approval

Get full control of your sales and delivery conditions

Without sufficient overview and control, you run the risk of fulfilling customer orders with items that are unsuitable. For example, individual items could be produced as part of another customer’s private-label agreement. Or the items could require export or distribution approval based on the customer’s country or region. You may also have your own preferences around which of your locations you deliver the items from, and at which price. Cepheo Advanced Customer Approval lets you fulfil customer orders with confidence, based on comprehensive information.


  • Optimize processes for sales orders, sales quotations and sales agreements
  • Base item selection on comprehensive product- and customer-specific information
  • Comply with corporate and customer requirements, agreements and policies
  • Fully document your sales and fulfilment conditions with your customers
  • Integrate complex pricing logic into the sales process


  • Advanced Customer Approval ID definition for individual items
  • Advanced Customer Approval ID definition for individual customers, or for multiple customers with shared parameters
  • Auto selection of Primary Advanced Customer Approval Ids
  • Inclusion of Advanced Customer Approval information in, for example, sales order lines and printed documentation
  • Filtering to show only approved Advanced Customer Approval IDs in the quotation, agreement and order process
  • Trigger warnings, or blocking of sales order line creation, for non-approved customers
  • Approved customer list by item and approved item list by customer

At a glance