RSM Retail Rebate and Scanback Management

by RSM Product Sales LLC

Manage manufacturer supported retail scanback promotions and customer rebates.

Many manufacturers and distributors subsidize the promotion of their products through scanback agreements. This can help a retailer, but is often not managed due to the complexity.

In addition, manufacturers frequently offer rebates to customers that can help boost a retailer’s sales. These rebates are difficult to manage effectively due to lack of tools.

Boost your sales by taking advantage of manufacturer support with RSM’s Retail Rebate and Scanback Management. The tasks of managing scanback promotions and rebates with manufacturers are automated. This can unlock additional sales as intended by the manufacturer.

Features include:

    • Configuration of promotions as scanbacks with export of scanback sales
    • Rebate configuration workbench to configure rebates and process claims from customers

At a glance