Astral Controlled Documents Solution for M365

by Astral Consulting Services Pty Ltd

Enable your business to manage your vital and controlled documents as an extension of Microsoft 365.

The Astral Controlled Documents Solution provides users the ability to manage critical documents through Microsoft 365 technology. It allows users the ability to store, control the access to, revision/version, distribute, report, and obsolete of documents. The solution combines existing Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online (SPO) technology plus incorporate Astral bespoke modules to enable the Controlled Document (CD) functionality.

It Provides the following features:

  • E2E Enterprise CD - Lifecycle Compliance.
  • Complete CD Fingerprint – Audit & Governance.
  • Configurable to your business rules / needs.
  • Efficient setup, cost effective operation (use of existing Microsoft assets).
  • Extended processes and functions.
  • Intergration with your ERP including SAP and other point solutions.
  • Foundation to simplify migration of your CD’s.​​​​​
  • Familiar interface - Enabling uptake and reducing change management efforts.
  • Simple Search for Published CD's customised to your business needs.

At a glance