
by PS Technology

CrewPro is a SaaS-based tool for railroad crew management and scheduling.


CrewPro railroad crew management and rail crew scheduling provides real-time crew supply and demand matching, diminishes employee qualification information upkeep, minimizes vacation bidding time, ensures Guarantee Payments are awarded correctly, and allows for simplified travel accommodation scheduling.

CrewPro automation significantly reduces the requirements of manual intervention, resulting in reduced expenses and errors. 

Proven benefits of using CrewPro

    • Reduced crew desks and personnel for active crew calling daily operations
    • Prevents overpayment of Guarantee Payments and reduces the likelihood of Guarantee Payments being needed
    • Prevents scheduling of unqualified engineers on routes requiring special certification or crafts
    • Integrates with van and hotel services to automate scheduling and payments with preferred providers
    • Automates vacation bidding, accomodating agreement worker seniority, craft, and other considerations
    • Allows train crews to view and accept assignments with personal mobile devices
    • Automatically records all HOS entries and notifies dispatchers of potential violation to avoid penalty and enforcement fees
    • Searchable database of all dispatching operations can be inspected without the need for railroad personnel being present during FRA visits.

CrewPro Lets Railroads Leapfrog Technology Gaps 

Enterprise-level customers will be able to move directly to mobile solutions and modern, browser-based tools, leaving behind green-screen COBAL based toolsets currently in use. Class II railroads can move into a time-saving technology solution, bypassing the usage of phone calls, spreadsheets, whiteboards, and post-it-note means of tracking HOS and scheduling requirements. 

At a glance