Clean Contacts

by The Software Bureau Ltd

Maintain the quality of your consumer data through an automated and secure process

Consumer data is constantly changing, people move and also sadly pass away. It is imperative that your contact data is clean and up to date to maximise the impact of your communications, reduce the risk of waste and allow you to fully engage with your customers - not to mention the fact that GDPR dictates you have a responsibility to keep your contact data up to date.

Traditionally, to clean data stored within CRM involves manually extracting data to be processed and then reloading the results back in - this is slow, resource heavy and presents risks throughout the process.

Clean Contacts is a totally unique solution that enables users to maintain the quality of their customer (UK Consumers) data through an automated process - matching consumer records to multiple data sets to identify where someone has moved or died. ​

Clean Contacts enables a flow to be activated, manually or as a scheduled event, which is seamless, compliant and secure; with all data contained within the MS Azure environment.

To remove barriers of use, Clean Contacts is charged on a subscription basis - a fixed monthly or annual payment with no restrictions on how many times it is used.

The solution can also be configured to create an action or notification to prompt a notification or activity to respond to the changes made - whether it be to simply update a record, make contact with the individual or trigger a communication.

It is easy to set up and simple to use - Call us for a demo on 0208 915 1103 or visit

At a glance