HxGN Smart Completions

by Hexagon Asset Lifecycle Intelligence

Plant and project lifecycle

Intergraph Smart® Completions (ISC) creates a foundation of information with traceability and accountability for custody, control and work processes providing seamless transitions to operations and maintenance. Manage all projects, large or small, by enabling your organization to effectively plan, prepare and execute a project.

Smart Completions is used on some of the largest mega-projects throughout the world with exceptional performance and results. It is a reliable and predictable system, designed to achieve owners’ goals.

Smart Completions is designed to consolidate asset information and verify installation, testing and performance of all equipment, instruments, piping, and Control System Input Output (I/O) points. The flexible foundation provides projects the tools needed to track all facets to ensure system integrity and deliver the end product that meet ISO specifications or higher standards.

Smart Completions, the “plant and project lifecycle” application suite, includes:

·  Completions & Commissioning Management System

·  Safety & Risk Management System

·  Turnaround Management System

At a glance