Connected Food

by Viiision, Inc

Add branded QR codes to your packaging to share your brand story and engage customers at purchase.

Provide important information (directions, installation, nutrition, etc.) directly from a QR code on your product or packaging in 20+ languages. Viiision looks and feels like an app without the download, providing customers a personalized experience with a single scan.

Key Features

  • Deliver multimedia instructions in multiple languages from branded QR codes.

  • Replace or enhance printed materials with easily-consumable digital content.

  • Create multiple pages to deliver crucial information, such as support, contact, and reordering instructions.

  • Publish your content to mobile web and desktop using single-source publishing.

  • Automatically translate content into multiple languages (powered by Microsoft's Cognitive Services), or add your own professionally-translated content.

  • Immediate publication of your information with no IT.

  • Analytics dashboard to monitor what’s working and what needs tweaked.


Customers using Viiision:

  • View more of your content (4.5 pages vs 3.6 pages)

  • Come back more often (50% return rate)

  • Stay longer (60% stay for 1-5+ minutes)

Giving you valuable time in a market where the average attention span is only about 8 seconds.

How it Works

Providing information everyone can understand is easier than ever. In three simple steps you can connect the world to your products.

  1. Brand your QR code: Customize your QR code with brand colors and logo for a consistent experience.

  2. Add your content: The platform makes it simple. Drag and drop text, videos, images, pdf’s and more to your hearts’ content. Change it up as often as you want and keep the same QR codes.

  3. Display QR codes: Place your QR codes on your packaging, your store front, or anywhere customers interact. Keep customers informed, engaged, and loyal while keeping printing costs low.

About Viiision

We believe that everyone has a story to tell, and sometimes that story needs to be verifiable. Viiision provides the essential tools to do both.

We give customers the opportunity to know and love your brand like you do so they come back again and again, and bring their friends.

At a glance