12-Point Correct Ergonomix Solution

by Correct Ergonomix LLC

(1 ratings)

Correct Ergonomix E-Learning Assessment Solution Transforms Ergonomics in the Office and at Home!

Struggling to find an ergonomic e-learning training assessment solution that isn’t just a beautiful dashboard but does nothing for you, or doesn’t kill your budget, or isn’t a tedious assessment form? Correct Ergonomix is your answer with real automation and real efficiency!

12-Point Correct Ergonomix's proprietary technology is used to train and assess employees’ workspace set-up. Our interactive image-based training and assessment is designed to educate and address employees’ individual ergonomics needs in the office, at home and hybrid combinations

Making Your Life Easier by Saving Money and Time

  • Roll out ready scalable cloud-based solution. No more tedious work.
  • Seamless implementation & maintenance free options
  • Get 90% - 100% of your time back spent on ergonomic assessments and writing reports
  • Problem: You got 25 employees needing to complete an ergonomic assessment. Which solution works best for you?

A. In-person ergo assessment average cost = $150 hr x 25 employees = $3,750

B. Correct Ergonomix Base Monthly Plan= $6.21 each x 25 employees = $155.47

C. Correct Ergonomix Base Annual Plan= $5.18 each x 300 employees = $1554.50

Reduce Workers’ Comp Claims and OSHA Recordables with Proof of Due Diligence

  • 12-Point Correct Ergonomix Assessment solution is your proof of due diligence for baseline risk assessment, follow-ups, and training
  • OSHA compliant real-time individualized reports
  • Prevent and reduce RSI by providing employees feasible ergonomic recommendation for their workspace set-up

Reach Employees in a Different Way

  • Easy to use on-demand e-learning and assessment solution
  • Ergonomic score helps employees gain insight to their ergonomic well-being and measure progress
  • Employees take ownership of their workspace set-up and ergonomic wellness

Get a one-time 12-Point Correct Ergonomix FREE Trial Now! Risk Free. No Credit Card.

At a glance